Thursday 18 February 2010

My glorious Lord of hosts.

God spoke in the beginning and behold it was so.
The earth was filled with light and water it did flow.
God spoke in the beginning and behold it was so.
The earth was filled with plants, and fruit from trees did grow.

God crafted us in his image to glorify his name.
To live a perfect life on earth, without a hint of pain.
But tempted by the serpent we could never be the same.
Our eyes knew good and evil, and our heart it was now stained.

But God he did not leave us, alone troubled with our sin.
It was the virgin Mary who had the Christ child within.
Born in a stable manger, in Bethlehem that night.
The angels gave the shepherds quite an unexpected fright.

“Glory to God in the highest and peace with whom his favour rests”,
The angels sang that night with joy and happiness.

Jesus grew in strength and wisdom until that blessed day.
“My beloved son with you I am well pleased” the Father he did say.

Jesus began his mission on earth in the holy spirits power.
He called the 12 disciples to help his message tower.
He healed a lot of people and his word of truth did shower.
He then told his disciples behold now is the hour.

Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour tread the road to be crucified.
His feet and hands that day upon the cross were tied.
Our saviour hung in agony, until with one final sigh.
It’s finished, done, he cried!

But the grave it did not hold him.
He had paid the price for sin.
He told the disciples the work was to begin.
To spread the news to everyone of their forgiven sin.

Jesus Christ my loving saviour his name is all my boast.
I thank him for his throne of grace I boldly now approach.
So I’ll run the race set before me, until that final post.
Until in heaven I see, my glorious Lord of hosts.

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